Conditions of use

Terms of use

The information on this website is provided by Metatecta nv/sa. BE 0462.564.096 Address: Galileililaan 11 box 0302, 2845 Niel. Access to the information on this website is free, but implies knowledge and acceptance of the terms and conditions below.


Metatecta nv's policy on the protection of personal data can be viewed via the Confidentiality Statement.

Use of website information

The information on this website or on the other websites and applications of Metatecta nv/sa is of a general nature.The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and therefore cannot be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user. If you need personal or specific advice, you should always consult the competent services of Metatecta nv/sa.‍

The European legislation published in the “Official Journal of the European Union” and the Belgian legislation published in the “Belgian Official Gazette” have the sole legal validity.‍Metatecta nv/sa makes every effort to provide complete, correct, adequate and up-to-date information. However, the information on this website may unintentionally be incomplete and/or incorrect. If the information provided contains errors, is no longer available or is no longer current, we will make every effort to rectify this as soon as possible. Errors may of course always be reported to us.‍

Metatecta nv/sa shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the consultation or use, in whatever way, of the content of this website and applications.

The content of the website (including hyperlinks) may be adapted, modified or supplemented at any time without prior notice or communication.

References and links to other websites

This website may contain links to websites and/or pages of third parties. Metatecta nv/sa cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the use of information on these websites and/or pages of third parties. Under no circumstances shall Metatecta nv/sa be liable for any consequences of visiting, consulting and/or using those websites, the content or the privacy policy of any website to which a link on the Metatecta nv/sa website would refer. Moreover, there are no rights attached to any third-party information.‍

The inclusion of hyperlinks to one or more other websites, including the links on those websites, in no way implies any association, partnership, affiliation with, or endorsement of the institutions offering those websites. ‍As soon as Metatecta nv/sa becomes aware of any unlawful content or content that does not correspond to the intended purpose on a website to which a link on Metatecta nv/sa's website points, the hyperlink will be removed from the website, without incurring any liability on the part of Metatecta nv/sa for the period during which the hyperlink was provided on Metatecta nv/sa's website.‍

Copyright (Creative Commons-0 licentie)

Unless otherwise stated, the information on this website is free of rights. It can be unconditionally reused for private, association, scientific purposes. However, Metatecta nv/sa recommends mentioning the source and date of the reused information.‍

When prior permission is required, or when specific conditions are necessary, the restrictions on reuse are explicitly mentioned. The reuse of multimedia material (photographs, images, sound, videos, etc.), including content contained in downloadable documents (brochures, etc.), is always subject to prior approval.

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